Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tygris Manufacturing ERP

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Tygris ERP Solution

Selecting the best suited ERP to your business made easy!
Building an organisation involving many processes and functions in itself is a mammoth task. Managing them and asking them to work together can be another challenge. Creating synergy between all processes may seem a distant dream for most of the SMEs.
But with Tygris Manufacturing ERP it can be achieved with minimum efforts. We at Tygris believe, ready-made- solutions to your problems don't exist. But with thorough understanding and critical analysis of your business processes we can always offer you a best-suited option which also can be a standard solution.
Make technology your business advantage:
Project Management
Create estimates, track projects and your resources efficiently.

Manage your core finance operations to drive profitable growth and ensure compliance.
Obtain the real-time information on the current stock levels and values including stock in order, raw materials, WIP and finished goods.

Plan Material Requirement as per production and Customer requirement.
Manage day to day manufacturing and processing activities.

Streamline the procurement and automates the process of supply chain.
Implement your total quality control management that establishes Quality control standard for your product.

Customize your dashboard and drill down for minute information
Retain your customers by improving customer loyalty and gain timely customer's interest.

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